Sunday, February 1, 2009

Duke Meets the Toddler

Duke met his first toddler today.

This is Vincent. He is 16 months. It was really cute because he could say "Duke," but he said it more like, "Dooooooke." It was really cute.

Duke investigates Vincent. He was quite uncertain about a very small person at first, but got used to him quickly and followed him around.

Vincent put himself in the dog cage. I swear he was smiling in this photo and reaching for the camera even if you can't really see his face. I swear.

Duke was concerned the Vincent was in Dinoco's house. He kept running circles around the cage. Vincent wouldn't let anyone in the cage with him.

And since Duke didn't really know what to think so he came to see me! He was super concerned.

He ended up being really really really good even when Vincent took his purple ball. He played fetch with Vincent and was super gentle. it was cute.

1 comment:

CoCo said...

Hee, hee. he...I like to see the little human in the kennel. I think it is funny! I love my kennel, but I've never seen a human in it before!
