It's been awhile since I've updated poor Dukie's Blog. Fiance and I are getting married next Saturday, so wedding plans have seriously gotten way out of hand, and poor Duke feels as if he is being neglected. See?

This is a common Duke expression when we are at the apartment.

He likes to climb on my lap when I am working on my laptop. See him sneering at me? (I'm working on the wedding program on my laptop, haha)

We didn't even put him in the back, I held him when we visited fiancé's parents this weekend because he was whining in the back.

Again, he pushes his head in between my legs when I'm sitting on the couch working on wedding stuff.

Wedding will be over soon. We are boarding him during the wedding so he doesn't get lost in all the guests. We found this really awesome place in Maine to take him. It reminds me alot of like a doggy day & night camp (I'll post pix later). He isn't going to want to come home! Then when we are on our honeymoon he is staying with Fiancé's parents and their dogs, Triton and Dinoco... again he isn't going to want to come home!
It'll be over soon bud, I promise.
Oh Duke! The nerve of these humans, and their wedding plans! BOL! You sure are working hard at trying to get their attention though! Don't worry Duke, after the wedding and honeymoon, they will come back and you will be an even happier family!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
PS- mommy says thanks to Jen for the tip on the anti anxiety drugs. We are going to seek out medicine as an absolute last alternative, but are going to discuss the options with our vet! Thanks again!
oh how exciting! happy wedding! mr. puggle sits on my lap when i am on the computer. puggles are so cuddly.
so duke isn't going to walk down the aisle? he could borrow mr. puggle's tux and hat. hahaha
guess it has been a long time since i got married, but a wedding program? hahahaha. technology. wow.
if you send me a high res picture or pictures from the wedding i can make an aisle for you in mr. puggle's store. Free of charge. Puggle discount. :)
(I can make it private so only your friends and family can see it) i can put your favorite pictures on mousepads, mugs etc that maybe your family or you would want. put your names and the date of the wedding on it.
i can also put your favorite picture on stationery for your thank you notes. then guests have a picture they can frame. :)
Here is a link to see what you can put your pictures.
you can email me at
Awww! Soon things will be back to normal. Poor puppy! Tell all congrads on the up coming wedding!
Licks, Ariel <3
Oh Duke,
It will be over soon! I am not looking forward to the same neglect when it is my Mama and Daddy's turn. I don't know when it is, but I heard Daddy said soon. I hope they don't neglect me over their Wedding stuff!
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