Sunday, April 19, 2009

Enjoying the Day

Dukester enjoys the warm sunshine.

His thing is climbing on the back of the couch to sit and bark out the window. He was so exhausted from playing with Triton and Dinoco yesterday that he fell asleep. I sort of woke him up when I grabbed my cell phone to snap a picture.

Yay Spring!


Eduardo said...

I loveto sit on the back of the couch! Enjoy The Day!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Mr. Puggle® said...

boy, that is a great cell phone you have. really nice picture. so glad he got a fun day of playing. puggles like to sit up high huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey Duke!

That looks like a comfy place to take a nap. :-) I am loving this spring weather too.

Sniffs and licks,
